Entries by Manager

10 ways to engage, retain, and motivate staff in the Print and Packaging sectors

  Statistics confirm Print and Packaging companies around the world are experiencing the highest talent shortfall since 2007. Today’s employee seeks value beyond financial compensation. Thankfully, engaging, motivating and retaining talented team members is much easier than you think. Here are our top ten solutions to your staff retention challenges. 1. Numbers don’t lie Gallup […]

Why your CV is probably being ignored

  The print and packaging job market has always been a competitive environment. Not only are we competing with other applicants for a role, we are also competing for attention. Employers (and recruiters) seek candidates focused on their career, not someone merely going through the motions of looking for another job. Here are the simple […]

Top tips for hiring a great team

Hiring a team is easy, but hiring a great team is a little harder. This is because many hiring managers choose a group of similar people who clash with each other, or they fail to hire people with a wide range of completely different skills. This can affect the workflow and the mood in the […]

Why changing jobs is often your best option

The concept of successful careers on a single track over a dedicated 25 year period is now largely regarded as myth. Today’s primary rule for success is to step outside your comfort zone. If you want a purpose-driven and successful career in which you actively participate, you will need to know when to take a […]

Are you listening to your team? You really should be

One of the biggest misconceptions we have about communication is that listening is a passive activity. How many times have we heard someone say, or said ourselves, “I’ll come along to the meeting, but I’ll just listen”? We understand listening is an essential quality of leadership, but most of us don’t know how to listen […]

What are the secrets of great leadership?

Great leadership depends upon our level of self-awareness, our willingness to learn and our acceptance that our actions and attitude influence everyone around us. When we assume a leadership role, all of our behaviour counts. Our ability to recognise and develop the qualities we naturally possess and a willingness to develop and improve upon those […]

360-Degree Feedback – Why You Should Be Using It

Feedback is an essential part of business, especially for Print and Packaging businesses that employ large teams who work together. If you want to improve the communication levels in your business, here is everything you need to know about 360-degree feedback – and why you should be using it. What Is 360-Degree Feedback 360-degree feedback […]

Ace that interview and get the job

You are impeccably dressed, well researched and rehearsed, on time and waiting in reception before you are called in to interview. You know what to do. This isn’t your first time. But still, you’re nervous. You want to make a great first impression. And, right there, your nerves have caught you in their butterfly spin. […]

How to use social media to find a new role

When used correctly, social media is a powerful tool to help you identify that perfect role. An active and engaging social media presence is crucial for a variety of reasons. Your activity across social media platforms says so much about who you are and helps you to present yourself in this increasingly competitive market as […]

The cost of making a poor hiring decision

Poor hiring decisions are a real threat to companies operating in today’s competitive market. Recently one of the UK’s leading job sites publishing its findings following a survey of 200 recruiters. The study focused on how poor hiring decisions affect companies. The fact is, bad hires are costing your business money with each poor decision […]